Friday, 17 December 2010

Buon Natale

We bid snowy Prague adieu (ciao?) for slightly warmer holiday adventures in southern Italy. But before we go, we submit designs to a contest. The colors were required. The squares are crooked. We only realized two days ago we could turn in a series and scrambled to turn one card into three. We're feeling a little sheepish. But who cares? Ravioli, gelato, and dear friends await. 

Bright bordered flowers Bright random flowers Bright boxed flowers

Two Guses

While some of us attempt to look manly in our tights, others feverishly clean. PC160510
I cannot leave on holiday with a dirty house. It's ridiculous. We'll return to an inch of dust. But I don't care; I have a pot of soup on the stove from the refrigerator remnants, and I have sparkly wood floors. Gus is too giddy to clean. He's got a rendezvous in Rome with an old friend coming up. His pal is also a Gus. Those two crazy kids backpacked together through the Singapore rainforest when we counted Gus's age in weeks. Can't wait to see how the boys have grown. And I'll enjoy it so much more knowing my toilets back home smell nice.


Thursday, 16 December 2010

This girl is going places

She is almost Z Postcard

13. And she is talented. Super Z sent me a postcard today--all collaged and drawn and fabulous:

Sunday, 12 December 2010

A little seafoam green goes a long way

Choices, choices. And the need for a color course. A recent contest offers three color schemes from which I have to pick my favortite. I'm iffy on all results both drawn and colored. Is anyone else remembering bathrooms from the 80's?

Bright floral Sophisticated floral Toned down floral

It's hip to be square

We're taking back Sunday. Sunday is about creative family times and not about mopey-Monday-is-coming times. And our Sundays really are packed with goodness--heaps-o-goodness--even though we were told at a recent event, "you guys could be so cool if you didn't have a kid. We might even be friends and have a good time." Thus, we'll keep it to ourselves that a good time involves Adobe Illustrator, the food processor, peek-a-boo, and PC120513
guess-that-Czech-vegetable. PC120510



Today's puzzle? Is it a melon or pumpkin? We were relieved with the answer. 


Monday, 6 December 2010

Getting ready

Inspired by Zentangle, we're plotting a card for a very special January birthday. A birthday for someone who often gets overlooked in the art department even though he's the most important person that should receive the art.  Pcard

L. C. R. I.

The Linzer Cookie Research Institute continues its hard work. We thought we had a lot to do in the fall just with the neighborhood bakeries, but now that it is Christmas season the technicians are putting in overtime to keep up with the expanding selection at holiday markets. It's not just raspberry Linzers anymore. There's strawberry, and plum, and ginger, and ... Linzer

Whew. Good thing we have a lot of tea.

Tomorrow comes true

I hit the reset button today. Beautiful 10k snowy run, marzipan filled dates, conversation with witty Neighbor B about things unrelated to child rearing, a few stolen minutes perusing design blogs, and a hot shower. Okay. I'm ready for ya, Gus.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Chalk Art

To continue to feel artistically productive even when pureeing turnips, I made myself a blackboard-paint covered canvas (blackboard paint = wonderful). It hangs in the kitchen and gets doodled on every month. Goodness, Oct
I love my chalk.