Sunday, 26 February 2012

Today kicks off a month of clean livin'

P and I are list makers: Books we want to read, trails to hike, future travels, future lists, before-we-dies, things to organize, things to throw away, things to teach Gus to ensure he is a genius. We like our lists. We also like challenges: Feats of strength. Feats of patience. Raising a toddler.

The Lenten season is upon us, and a few podcasts, blogs, and TedTalks have brought inspiration. Because we're not up to THAT big of a challenge, we're taking Lent in 30, and we're attempting what we're calling, "30 days of clean livin'". We made lists of the things we want to avoid and the things we want to add and the things we want to alter to be the best us-s we can be. Our plans aren't identical, but in general you'll find us flossing and yoga-ing and gargling salt water and keeping gratitude journals and taking our vitamins. There's no Facebook and no gossip and no refined sugars and no meat. It's not all austerity. There are allotted units of caffiene and alcohol. There is cheese. There are things to look forward to like family Sundays and mandatory naps. But there's absolutely no peeking at PopSugar, no matter how much you want to see what someone wore to the Oscars.

I share our folly not to boast but because we're weak, weak people. We're not sure we'll do it if we don't tell. And to keep us as honest as possible, we've traded lists and risked some cash. If I break a rule, P gets all my March fun-money (and if you know how strictly we budget these days, you'll know that these are some special pennies). I just know he's going to spend it on INXS CDs or some sort of WWF t-shirt, and that will slay me. I cannot cave!

And when the days are up and success is achieved, our reward is enlightenment. Ha! Whatever. Our reward is probably a pork knuckle at the local pub. But at least we'll be able to reflect on what we missed and what we didn't. And analyze energy levels and moods and have a baseline for moving forward. Being somewhat "older" parents of a crazy toddler has made us think a bit (desperately) on health and energy and keeping up with a tiny. So, here's hoping this helps.


As a final meaty meal, we savored something glorious. Chef Ruth, who also once lived in Singapore, voluntarily came over and cooked us (shlepped a rice cooker, chickens, and more across town...that Ruth is amazing)--cooked us in our very own kitchen--a Hainanese Chicken Rice lunch (who does that?). It was gorgeous. The chili sauce was her own and garlic and ginger were used in abundance. To top it off, there was rojak with homemade yu tiao. Every bite of every thing was beautiful and fragrant and demanded seconds. She used the chicken rice recipe in the link, and it was spot on. Thank you, Ruth.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

So nice to be here

We are so very glad to be in Carthage.

There have been risotto and lamb dinners. Artichokes. Preserved lemon pastas. Halvah, dates, and lots and lots and lots of olive oil. We are smitten by the blood orange trees (and resulting fresh juice), our hosts' espresso machine, and the gorgeous blue trimmed windows. Carthage is a beauty, and our friends are amazing. We have feasted and laughed and storied. 

We've had outings to the beach:


And we've learned to throw things:


We've sampled the local fare:


Enjoyed family evenings:


And created quite a bond with some great boys: Will be tough to leave such good dudes (who are so good to my little dude):


There's a few days left and good weather in the forecast. We've Roman ruins to cimb and more shwarma to eat. Woo hoo! 

Friday, 17 February 2012

Tunisia bound

We're getting out of here! And it's supposed to rain the whole time! And we all have colds! And the flight times are horrendous! And you're not invited! (Roz Chast readers, the last line is for you)

Colds and rain and lack of sleep are not getting in the way of our fun. We're off to see some of our best people---two of which are some of our favorite bloggers. Rain showers aside, there will be significantly warmer weather and olives and new sights and grand conversations. We are excited.

Perhaps not quite as excited as the puppy dog dancer in the background. But almost.


Sunday, 12 February 2012

I've loved you more

P and I don't have an official song, but we do cook up some fine, off-key duets. Our best is Emmylou Harris and Mark Knopfler singing 'This is Us.' (it seems that they get the lyrics about as right as we do in this version) Although we are big Emmylou and Mark fans, at our hearts, at our hearts we are Johnny Cash people. We holler a good, 'Jackson', but you'd get raised eyebrows if you called that your song. And I'd feel awkward since P has a mean crush on June Carter. So, when choosing a tune for my P this Valentine's Day, I turn to a favorite Cash album: American IV: The Man Comes Around. He's singing solo on this one, and he does a beautiful cover of the Beatles'  'In My Life.' (are these links legal?) (It's powerful enough to make me consider abandoning my go-to karaoke classic, 'Total Eclipse of the Heart'. Almost.)

P and I are terrible at celebrating holidays that institute forced love (and awfully good at making fun of them), but I'm feeling especially soft for that good egg this year. I think there will be sincere heart-shaped pancakes at breakfast and a little Johnny on the stereo.

"There is no one compares with you."

In My Life

Photo credit to the amazing dRops. He captured this image on the John Lennon Wall in Prague earlier this fall, and he also sang in public with tone-deaf me. That's mighty good friendship when you're musically talented and willing to harmonize with the musically inept. Thanks, Dave and Tracy!

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

What lies ahead

A friend shared a blog article today, and it was talking about how situations that drive us to go within---often end up limiting us. I don't think I agree with the article's greater point, but I did think about how the city of Prague---or my ability to survive in the city of Prague given my limitations, fears, and idiosyncrasies---drives me within. I work to limit my interactions with others, and I try to hide from what is uniquely and wonderfully Praha. (all self-imposed, mind you! No fault of Prague's!) But---and this is absolutely not a comparison of cultures or a weigh-in on whether one is better than the other, it's simply the result of my dreadful shortcomings interacting with the aspects of a culture---in Southeast Asia, the cultures I explored and lived in were ones that complemented my weaknesses and pushed me to be braver and to seek out interactions with others. (Again, all self-imposed choices and actions!) I could lose myself outside of myself-----and I really really miss that. I haven't been able to articulate what has been so hard about living here for me, and I think this is the crux. 

I appreciate where I am so much and am so very grateful for these two years. Given the choice, I'd live them over again. And I could return. But for now, in this phase of my life with a toddler in tow and a tentative spirit, I'm very much looking forward to the change that lies ahead.

Speaking of what lies ahead, it's already February!



Thursday, 2 February 2012

February Sketchers

My entry is due Monday. You can see the good works the other amazing folks are doing--here. This month I had Cindy's book, and her theme was "home." I'm not into portraits and decided not to sketch P. Though that might have been fun. Instead, I turned in this:

"I am not a good decision maker, but I can say with certainty that I married well. Whew. One of the more superficial yet delightful aspects of my marrying up is where it landed me in the summers. What a view! The Ranch is a special place for us, but I still struggled to think of an image to capture Cindy's theme of "home" because P and I have always considered our relationship place enough for us. But Gus--that complicated Gus--has given us pause. While this tiny family is where we hope our collective hearts reside, we also recognize our little dude may need (because we honestly have no idea) a stable place in which he can return should he want a familiar community and a sense of roots. It didn't take too much arm twisting to decide to make that "home" near the Green compound so that G can know the same mountains and rivers and hills and trails and orchards and sunsets that his cousins will know and that his grandparents and great grandparents and father and aunts and uncles have known their whole lucky lives."


Sketchbook February
It came out more cartoonish and silly than I was aiming, but maybe that's the effect of today's -17 (celcius) weather on my chilly hands. Tomorrow--and I am not kidding--the forecast says -28. Holy smokes!