Thursday, 26 April 2012

More in my life

Prints are back from my uber-helpful print shop, and I'm playing with former images. I added black ink drawings to DRops' photo. It's on its way to you soon, D and T!

In My Life Black Ink

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Today's theme

Things have seemed a bit gray. Not bad. Not glorious. Gus and I had a few too many nights of collective coughs. We went to IKEA (yechh). Our accomplishments of late are boring: criminal record checks, shipping insurance forms, and short-term medical insurance. And yesterday at 11:00am, the bank said the money hadn't arrived yet and I should come back tomorrow. It was reminiscent of when we stopped by Burger King on a student field trip while living in Singapore and they said, "Oh, sorry--we don't have any burgers." 

But today, after the wonder of a good-night's-rest (thank you Husband of the Year), Gus and I woke up to sun and color and choosing-joy. Some folks even decided to dress like it: 


Keeping with the theme, I started my next sketchbook project. This book's theme is "The little things in life".

Snippet of sketchbook

There are lots of little things looking good today. The lilacs are blooming, Neighbor B made homemade peanut butter cups, I may or may not have ordered this Waylon Jennings necklace, and there's a painting project underway:


To add to the synchronicity, a friend sent a link to a bucket list for kids under twelve, and it's inspired me to think on our family bucket list. That's good fodder for dinner time conversation in a household of seasoned list-makers.

And finally, as I putter in my office and with my paints and listen to my podcasts on this happy-shiny Tuesday, I savor a BIG thing, which is my dear Father's (slightly belated) birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad!

017 - Eric Ernie and Spike
(it seems rubber boots are a theme as well)

Friday, 6 April 2012


March went out roaring. There was so much to do and clean. But it was all for very very good reasons:


A miniature raspberry pie was baked. From scratch.


And then put inside a cake to become the trendy and surprisingly tasty (but still sort of embarrassing) piecaken. A birthday girl was happy.


And there was a last minute weekend to Poland where I may or may not have purchased Polish pottery for my son (What does this mean? What would Werner Herzog say? Have I crossed the line of rational pottery thinking?).


Someone awfully special went from baby to boy and had to celebrate his birthday at school since his parents are too ridiculous (lazy? wise? terrified-of-other-toddlers?) to throw him a proper party.


Amazing folks flew all the way from the US to play legos and give thoughtful presents and take long, windy, cold walks through Praha. We are missing them already.


And, as we wait (change sheets, wash towels, bake gluten-free muffins, etc etc etc) for the second round of guests to arrive this weekend (yay Meehans!), we're thankful for this recent purchase. Yup. We gave into the Man. But--we got it third-hand, so it doesn't upset me as much as it should. That and the espresso it makes is absolutely delicious.

There's no time for art with all this goodness, but we're making memories!


Sunday, 1 April 2012

Birthdays in Twos

I don't know how it happened, but that kid turned two. WE DID IT. We kept him going another year and he seems to actually still like us a little bit. We know this because he's pretty keen on labeling likes and dislikes right now as he tries his hand at excelling at all things toddler. Our outside doorbell? Dislike. Uncle Bob? Like. Mom's dancing moves? Dislike. Licking the slide at the playground? Like. Hugging, cuddling, and sharing? Dislike. Throwing, stomping, and wrestling? Like.

Gus enters his second year on his third continent, with eight roundtrip flights under his belt, and a big move in his future. He's a hearty dude that knows his alphabet (minus I and N), Glen Campbell songs, and all of the very best hiding spots for all of our very important items. He ensures our home is filled with laugher, humility, and completely amazing bodily function stories. Man, we love him. 

Happy Birthday sweet, hilarious, and fascinating OGG. You keep us striving to be better and longing for sleep. We cannot wait to see where this year takes us; we are soooooo grateful you're on our journey.

Oscar is two

Gus's birthday art is a bit of a multi-purpose piece. Today is also amazing Aunt Shelly's birthday--Gus's secret twin. A few years ago that wise lady made this verse matter all the more to me. And so we tip our pen and hearts to her as we drop a print of this in the mail. Happy Day to you dear Shelly: May your year be rich in laughter, peace, and purpose and may all the stray cats and dogs in your neighborhood cease to make noise.