When I taught middle school writing we would keep track of authentic questions. The kids kept lists and then when I had to teach a research concept, we'd consult our records and find an answer to something on which we truly cared. It sure beat animal research papers. I miss my question lists. They were little household histories. And I really miss their lists. I learned so much about popular culture and bodily functions back then.
For my former eight graders--questions asked in this household as of late:
Who, in a nutshell, is Gore Vidal?
What ingredient in the toothpaste is causing my face to freak out?
How much baby Zyrtec does an adult have to drink for it to be effective?
What would be the perfect recipe to go with these dried mushrooms?
Why is melon and parma ham so good?
Why do some mangoes cause an allergic reaction in this family and others do not?
What's the word for those English words that you find in other languages?
Why is salt iodized? If I don't eat iodized salt, what will happen to me?
Do you think our baby is particularly advanced and brilliant for his age?
What percent of the population can run a mile? Five miles? A half marathon?
What is the effect on us from all the soda pop we drank as kids? Why did our parents buy so much soda pop? Why do our friends say "soda" and we say "pop?"
Who pays Camille Paglia?
Are there less chances of feeling bloated from unpasteurized beer?
Is there really cream of tartar in baking powder or is it the other way around?
Why does everyone in this town think that if we go outside without a hat on, we'll get sick? Is it true? Do people get sick from being cold?
If I just wash the mold off this yellow pepper, will it still be safe to eat?
Why are those ninjas in that Bonnie Tyler video? How come all 80's videos tell awesome (or nonsensical) stories?
Why is Judas Priest called Judas Priest?
How much toilet paper do you think that baby can eat before we should start to worry?
One can tell a lot about their household by these lists. We, apparently, are fond of eating, the baby, and the concert posters around town. We are also rather alarmist and hive prone.
Oh my God, there should be a cartoon for every item on there. Your list is the most inspiring thing I've seen in a long time. How you must miss the lists of middle school! That must have been the perfect comic relief. We must get to drawing.