Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Repeating themes

I'm working on a project at which I'm not very good. It requires repeating patterns and Adobe Illustrator work that this brain just doesn't yet know how to navigate. (and isn't quite convinced it wants to learn)

This workshop showed up in my Google Reader last night just minutes after the email arrived requesting these repetitive designs. Julia Cameron would shout "synchronicity!" and ask why I haven't already enrolled. 

Sunflowers Blank copy

Random Sunflowers Bright copy


  1. Whoa, that looks like a carpet layout to me.???

  2. Those would make good wrapping paper!

  3. Oh, I'm transfixed!! I want to cut out each circle and sew them in a line, a strung garland. Or else I want to color them in. Or find a way to knit or crochet them into something gaudy... Wrapping paper I see again, and fabric...
