Tuesday, 6 November 2012

We Learn

We occasionally learn things around here.

We learn that carved pumpkins in the tropics have a shelf life of about 48 hours. Sorry, Gus!


We learn that sometimes you have to regress to go forward. And since we are in bleak creative times these days, we thought back to when time was endless and the juices were flowing. So, we decorated our study as if we were still in college:

Hanging things

We learn that the toddler will live, despite taking the cap off the Dimetapp Allergy medicine and helping himself to a swig.

We learn that after a six month hiatus, EVERY family member will heartily eat lentils again. And when all the other parents tell you to quit worrying and things change, they are RIGHT.

We learn that we are a family that needs naps and quiet and downtime. And that's probably why we haven't invited you over.

We learn that community takes many forms. It's a group of women waiting for Slow You on an adventure race they could have easily won. It's a neighbor letting you help with the weekend chauffeuring. It's nice friends of your husband talking books with you while you shape playdoh for a loud two-year-old at the kitchen table.

In this November month of thankfulness, we are grateful for our little learnings.


1 comment:

  1. Our first October in Florida our neighbors laughed at us for carving pumpkins. It took two, maybe three days for them to be filled with black mold and too squishly to lift.
    The important thing is to carve.
