Sunday, 17 November 2013

We interrupt this faux-art-blog for a word about P

Sometimes you just have to announce it:

This is a public service announcement regarding the amazing-ness of my husband. Let is be known: P is tops. He is. He wins. You're the winner, P! Sweet P. Sweet P who is returning at 1:30am tonight from a ten day work trip and has to be at work at 7:00am to present to parents at 10:00am and the faculty at 3:00pm. Sweet P who leaves in two sleeps after that to keynote at a groovy conference in Malaysia because he's so darn good at what he does. Sweet P who has a lot on his plate and is working very hard and is always hopeful and never seems to be buried by life. Sweet P who is capable and kind and so gosh darn functional. That very same Sweet P supported this wife giving up 60% of her decent and not-too-hard-to-earn salary for ethereal reasons. Wow.

He has always been solid when I've been flaky. He has been positive and patient when I've been here. He has always been my biggest fan. We moved back to good ol' Singapore for a lot of reasons, but one we can't ignore is the financial stability, and I've gone and knocked it off the rails to pursue something.

I promise I'll make you proud P. And the horrible thing is, I know if I don't, you'll still be as amazing as you are. Three cheers for supportive P!

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