Monday 17 June 2013


I am full of "ings" this week.

FearING ticks.

SqurimING awkwardly.

ScribblING nervously.

WalkING quickly.


It's one of those big comfort-zone buster kind of weeks where you wonder what you're doing and why you're doing it and you come out better on the other end. I'm seven days from the other end, so right now it just feels like some sort of introvert torture camp, but really it's a writer's retreat full of talented people and great ideas and one big ol' awkward lady from Singapore. 

I'm so flustered I can't remember my conversation starters, and I'm also so concerned about making this time count that I'm talking more than normal. It's a bad contradiction, and at night when I am sequestered away in a cabin all my own, I remind myself of core rules to follow in perilous times: Be humble. Be generous. Smile. Listen. Ask other people questions about themselves. Remember everyone's names. Drink lots of water. 

So far, I'm well hydrated. 

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