Monday, 30 May 2011

Ho ho ho

We are up too late around here scratching out quick designs for an early morning contest deadline. There are three (rough) holiday submissions  now at Minted. Whew.


  1. I love what I see up there! I want wrapping paper and fabrics in your designs!!

  2. Love your designs, especially the poinsettias. Will vote when I can. :-)
    While on there, another design caught my eye, which used the French for Merry Christmas...yet misspelling it. I left her a comment trying to be gracious but still pointing it out. Caught between tnree principles: not wanting to be a French snob...not wanting someone to feel stupid...and not wanting people to look ignorant. :::sigh::: :-)

  3. tnree? *three*
    How ironic, in a comment about misspelling :-).

  4. The snowdust trees are my favorite chrismtas picture design. If I sent out Christmas cards with my picture in it, I would definitley use that one! Maybe some day...
