Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Things are getting even more boring. But we like it.

The following things are all true.

1. Green bees are real.

2. There is a human-sized hole in the fence at the truly fascinating archeological dig site only HALF A BLOCK from our house. And that large hole is very tempting should someone want to do some night exploration (M? You up for this?).

3. On day three of coffee-reduction I caved and had an afternoon cappuccino, which I never ever have, but Neighbor B brought it by. And what can you do.

4. I have found a way to order books that doesn't cost a million dollars, go through the (miserable) post office, or require paying duty. Hallelujah! And better yet--I get to practice my high school German while ordering.

5. Setting up the Scrabble board in the living room yesterday (to-cringe-play against myself) resulted in a lot of satisfaction but also a lot of time wasted. Does this mean I am a loser or a wordsmith or one of those oddballs from Word Freak?

6. Despite recommendations otherwise, I am not singing the praises of the Happy Hippo confectionary treat. Sorry Z.

Happy hippo

7. Absolutely no art has been created unless you count thank-you cards that feature Gus's gigantic mug collaged on with a hand-drawn bow-tie. 

8. I am secretly hoarding quinoa and cous-cous recipes for the first day P declares them acceptable foods again.


  1. You are going to be waiting a long, long time for number 8. :)

  2. Even dry grains don't have a shelf life long enough to outlast me!

  3. I think it's sweet that playing against yourself meant actually setting up the physical board, and not sitting at the computer. I'd do it.

  4. Maybe the Happy Hippo is a disappointing treat, but he will make a great gift back home! Hilarious. And why isn't P eating quinoa? How cool that green bees are real. Miss you like crazy.
