Friday 18 March 2011

Robots, Aliens, and Birthdays

Preliminary inking for the Gus-is-one art. No ducks this time. 

First Birthday Project-Oscar


  1. These doodles are so happy and sweet. I want them made into a fabric that I can sew into a shirt for little G! Does he really want a shirt? Would he rather a critter or a pillowcase or some such thing?
    No kidding; this can be done. If you think it would be fun, send me an image and we will make it so.
    You have been prolific in the midst of so much stress and strangeness. I miss your blog for a couple days and then find these goodies when I return.

  2. Yes, goodies are definately found. Those spacy little monsters are so delicious!

  3. He would love a little shirt. Or a little pillow for his crib. Both would be wonderful. I'll see what I can send. So exciting!
